Panels looking for papers or papers looking for panels

The following page has been created to help people organize panels or roundtables dealing with the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, inclusive of the transnational flow of people, material and ideas across the Gulf, Red Sea and Indian Ocean to be submitted (primarily) for MESA conferences. If your paper/panel is outside of that geographical purview, we recommend using the MESA form instead:

If you are interested in organizing panels for other Middle East Studies conferences, please indicate the name of the conference in the session description below.

Once completed, AGAPS will review the content to ensure its fit and then post the details on this page below the form. Interested parties should contact the organizers/presenters directly using the email they provided.

Please note that this is simply a service to help people find one another and does not constitute a submission to MESA or any other conference. All submissions for the conference must be made on the conference website itself.

You can choose both options if applicable.

List of Panels/Papers

You can see any panels/papers looking for participants listed below. Interested parties should directly email the contact person listed in the announcement.

Posted Jan 15, 2025
Paper looking for panel
Conference Name: MESA Annual Conference

Proposed session or paper title
Crisis, Cohesion, and Consolidation: Salafism, Transnational Networks of Learning and Islamic Transformations Between the Gulf and The Horn of Africa, 1920-2000

Brief session or paper description
The research investigates how Somali religious scholars' educational journeys to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar and Kuwait shaped their theological perspectives and influenced religious reform movements upon their return.

Name of Organizer/Presenter
Mohamud Mohamed

Deadline for abstracts or panel invitation

Posted Feb 2, 2025
Paper looking for panel
Conference Name: MESA Annual Conference

Proposed paper title
Intersectional Dynamics and Digital Inequalities in Kuwait

Brief paper description
This paper shares select findings from a national survey on digital media use in Kuwait. It investigates the intersectional dynamics of digital inequalities, addressing the interplay of gender, education, age, and nationality. It would be well suited for an existing panel dealing with media, technology and/or gender in the region. I am also happy to organize related papers into a new panel if there is enough interest.

Name of Organizer/Presenter
Fahed Al-Sumait

Deadline for abstracts or panel invitation