Awards 2022

Submissions for the 2022 AGAPS awards are closed. This year's winner was announced at our annual Business meeting on Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022

The winners from last year can be found in our 2021 Awards Page.

2022 AGAPS Gwenn Okruhlik Dissertation Award Winner

Dr. Joud Al Korani -University of Toronto 

Dubai Detours: Being Muslim after the Islamic Revival and Arab Spring

The committee found that the subtlety and thoughtful self-reflection of Joud Al Korani's dissertation, along with its rich and nuanced ethnographic detail and the beauty of its prose, elevated it to the exceptional. In the words of one committee member, "The exploration of the experiences of migrant (mostly) middle-class Muslim women" builds upon an important ethnographic tradition and "adds to a richer understanding of Gulf social and political life that is perhaps absent from more mechanistic explanations of political processes. What is more, in addition to being methodologically sound, it is quite captivatingly written - I think this artfulness itself is worthy of mention." Another committee member shared, "Al Korani's analysis of neoliberalism, connecting it to middle class expatriate Islams in Dubai, is quite subtle and expansive, connecting politics with process of class, identity, and Emirati, GCC, and global scales. It makes for engaging reading - the prose is often moving, and the anthropological theoretical engagement is both thrilling and superb." 

Award Committee Members

Ahmed Kanna, Hawraa Al-Hassan, Marc Owen Jones