Qatar University
The latest announcements from Qatar University, Gulf Studies Program
Posted 28 March 2025
The Gulf Studies Center at Qatar University is pleased to announce the opening of the following academic positions:
- Associate Professor of Gulf Studies
- Associate Professor of Economics in the Gulf
- Full/Associate Research Professor in Gulf Politics
- Associate Professor of Modern Gulf History
To Apply, please visit :
Qatar University also offers a range of scholarships for both local and international students.
For more information, visit or call +974-44034444
Posted 23 Jan 2025
1. Qatar University announces the opening of the applications for Fall 2025 graduate programs until March 12, 2025. Join the Gulf Studies Center and be part of our cutting edge research and graduate program on the Gulf region.
For more information and to apply, visit the following link:
2. The Gulf Studies Center is pleased to announce its latest internal publications for Fall 2024 as listed below:
Gulf Comments:
Gulf Insights:
Policy Briefs:
3. The Gulf Studies Center is pleased to share its latest edition of the Gulf Studies Newsletter. Visit the link below for the Gulf Studies Newsletter Issue 6:
Posted Oct 17, 2023
The Gulf Studies Center is excited to share that due to our growing academic team, our research topics have expanded to include more diverse studies and academic perspectives on the Region.
Please find below the publications for the period of Jan – Oct 2023
External Publication:
- Book titled “Arab – Iranian Relations Since The Arab Uprisings” by Mahjoob Zweiri
- Book titled “Social Change in the Gulf Region” by Mizanur Rahman and Amr Al Azm
- Book titled “GCC Hydrocarbon Economies and COVID” by Nikolay Kozhanov with Karen Young and Jalal Qanas
- Book titled “Geopolitics of the New Middle East: Perspectives from Inside and Outside” by Saban Kardas and Bulent Aras
- Book titled “China's Economic and Political Presence in the Middle East and South Asia” by Luciano Zaccara and Mehran Haghirian
- Book Chapter titled “Social Science and Humanities in Future University” by Mahjoob Zweiri and Lakshmi Venugopal Menon
- Paper titled “Russian Relations with the Middle East after Putin's Invasion of Ukraine” by Nikolay Kozhanov
- Paper titled “ Not Just hydrocarbons: Japan’s multifaceted foreign policy approaches towards the GCC states “ by Nikolay Kozhanov and Kazuto Matsuda
- Paper titled “ International Student Migration to the GCC States: A Comparative Study” by Md Mizanur Rahman and Sharique Umar
- Paper titled “Putting Egypt-Turkey relations on a sustainable footing “ by Pinar Akpinar and Dalia Ziada
- Paper titled “Fostering Egypt-Turkiye Rapprochement through Sustainable Cooperation” by Pinar Akpinar and Dalia Ziada
- Paper titled “Navigating Murky Waters: Iranian-Gulf Relations a Year into Raisi's Presidency” by Mahjoob Zweiri and Leen Rabbat
- Paper titled “Gulf Studies: The Imperatives of Area Studies in the Gulf Region” by Mizanur Rahman, Sahar El Sayed and Reem Al-Hababi
- Paper titled “ Climate change and climate action in MENA” by Farah Al Qawasmi
- Paper titled “Between Development, Growth, and Survival: Iran's Economic Priorities before and under President Raisi” by Nikolay Kozhanov
- Paper titled “Healthcare Provisions for Migrant Workers in Qatar” by Mizanur Rahman
In-house Publications :
- Gulf insights
- Policy Briefs
For more please visit our website :
Posted May 27, 2023
Faculty Vacancies at Qatar University
Two faculty vacancies at Qatar University:
1. Associate/Assistant Professor in International Relations/ Gulf Economic Affairs
2. Associate Professor in Economics of the Gulf
Posted May 27, 2023
QU Gulf Studies Center Fellowships
About the Gulf Studies Center and its activities:
The Gulf Studies Center was established in 2014 in order to address and cover issues relating to politics, security, energy, economics, culture and society. The center seeks to produce and develop research relating to the Gulf region. Prior to the center’s establishment, the College of Arts and Sciences launched the Master of Gulf Studies program in 2011. After the success of the master's program, the College launched the Gulf Studies Ph.D. program. The Gulf Studies center and program give it students opportunities to publish and share their research in distinguished academic platforms. Gulf Studies students address fundamental issues and questions in the fields of economy, politics, and security in the Gulf, in addition to other aspects of Gulf identity.
Through its distinguished academic and research experience, the Center offers fellows the opportunity to engage and collaborate with leading academics in the field of Gulf Studies through participation in workshops, seminars, and classroom lectures.
Objective of Developing Fellowship Programs in Gulf Studies
The fellowship programs offer academics, post-docs and professionals in the field from around the world an opportunity to collaborate with or continue their studies at the Center, work on their research projects, conduct fieldwork, and network with faculty and students through teaching or joint research projects.
Proposed Fellowship Programs:
The fellowship programs provide opportunities for teaching, research, and use of the resources available at the Center, as well as networking with a team of distinguished professors in the fields of Gulf Studies at the Center and in Qatar. The fellowship program is divided into three categories:
1. Pre-Doctoral Fellowship: this program targets the students enrolled in a Gulf Studies related PhD program who wish to conduct research and work on completing their thesis by spending a maximum of two semesters at GSC.
2. Post-doctoral Fellowship is available to fresh Ph.D. graduates, who have obtained their PhD within the past five years and are embarking in the academic careers, to continue their research at the Center. In addition to pursuing their own major research, GSC provides opportunities for fellows to participate actively in GSC's research activities and the academic community at Qatar University.
3. The Experienced Academics Fellowship enables those who hold a permanent position at a university or research center to continue their work at the Center. This fellowship may be ideal for faculty members who are on sabbatical leave from their institutions. Experts from government or civil society who have the relevant experience and academic qualifications necessary for this fellowship will also be considered for admission.
General Rules for Proposed Fellowship Programs:
1. Qatar University annually hosts three fellows in fellowship programs.
2. Fellows are required to adhere to the University's policies relating to conflict of interest.
3. The fellowship at the GSC is unpaid. Applicants should secure funding for their residency at Qatar University through their university/academic institutions or other sources to finance travel and living costs for the duration of their stay.
4. For applicants of the 3rd category, In the event that a fellow teaches a course for at least one semester, the university may provide a housing unit on campus.
5. The fellowship period can extend to an academic year (9 months). Visiting researchers may request an extension, if the necessary funding is provided for the stay in the State of Qatar together with the approval of the university and the approval.
6. Fellows assigned to fellowship programs are subject to Qatar University regulations and policies.
7. Final approval is subject to:
a. Acceptance of the submitted offer.
b. Meeting the university and human resources requirements for academic qualifications.
c. Submitting a certificate of good conduct attested by the country of the candidate for the fellowship and by the Qatari embassy in the country of residence.
d. Passing the medical examination and forensic evidence of the fellow upon arrival in the State of Qatar.
e. Approval of the work visa or transfer of sponsorship from the Ministry of Interior in the State of Qatar and passing the medical examination of candidates from within the State of Qatar.
Fellows’ Commitments:
The research fellow is expected to adhere to the following:
1. Adhere to Qatar University's policies and procedures including all policies related to intellectual property and ethical conduct of research. The Gulf Studies Center is responsible for ensuring that visitors understand and accept the relevant policies.
2. Provide the necessary papers to facilitate the issuance of the visa. The required documents must be provided to the center as well as to the Office of Graduate Studies at least three months before the expected visit.
3. The fellow shall be responsible for all expenses associated with accommodation at Qatar University including all travel, health insurance, accommodation and any other expenses.
4. Present a public lecture to faculty members and students at the Gulf Studies Center.
5. Active attendance of the Center's events and seminars.
6. Contribute to the Center's internal publications through a 3,500-word research paper (in case of a one-semester residency) or a 6,000-word research paper (in the case of an academic year), produced from the fellowship research and submitted at an agreed date.
7. Using the Center’s affiliation in their research outputs and participation in academic events.
8. For fellows applying to the 3rd category, in addition to the previous obligations, they must comply with the following:
a. Teach a maximum of two courses in graduate programs at the Center.
b. Assist in supervising graduate students in the Gulf Studies Program at Qatar University.
University Commitments
The University is committed to providing the following services:
1. Obtain entry and residence visas in accordance with the procedures followed by the university and the State.
2. Provide office and a university ID card that gives fellows an access to the university's research facilities, information and computing services.
3. Include fellows on the Center's webpage for affiliation purposes.
4. Participate in and attend events and academic activities of the Center.
5. Provide the necessary research support and guidance in line with the needs of the fellows.
6. Provide the candidate with a letter of attendance/certificate showing the time and tasks completed during the duration of the fellowship.
Procedures for applying to fellowship programs:
General requirements for applying to Fellowship Programs:
1. Admission for fellowship programs is between January 1 and April 1 of each year. Those interested can send their requests or questions to
2. Send an updated CV and a letter of intent, specifying the research agenda, duration and the purpose of the fellowship.
3. The applicant may communicate with the Director of the Center or relevant faculty members to discuss the research partnership or possibilities of mentoring/supervising. When necessary, applicants can submit a research proposal, curriculum or other supporting documents, if applicable.
4. The Academic Council of the Center evaluates the applications and submits its recommendations to the Director of the Center within a month.
5. The Director of the Center reviews the recommendations and submits his approval to the Associate Dean for humanities and Social Sciences for approval and submits it through the administrative channels to be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Regarding the Pre-Doctoral Fellow Program
It is subject to the policies and procedures for hosting visiting students approved by Qatar University in addition to meeting the above requirements.
1. زمالة ما قبل الدكتوراه: يستهدف هذا البرنامج الطلاب المسجلين في برنامج الدكتوراه ذات الصلة بدراسات الخليج والذين يرغبون في قضاء فصل دارسي او فصلين دراسيين بحد اقصى بمركز دراسات الخليج يساعدهم في انجاز جزء من أطروحة الدكتوراه.
2. زمالة ما بعد الدكتوراه متاحة للخريجين الجدد، الذين حصلوا على درجة الدكتوراه خلال السنوات الخمس الماضية لمواصلة أبحاثهم في المركز. فبالإضافة إلى متابعتهم لأبحاثهم الرئيسية الخاصة يوفر مركز دراسات الخليج فرص للزملاء للمشاركة بفاعلية في أنشطة مركز دراسات الخليج البحثية والمجتمع الأكاديمي في جامعة قطر.
3. زمالة الأكاديميين أصحاب الخبرة تمكّن الذين يشغلون منصبا دائما في جامعة أو مركز أبحاث من مواصلة عملهم في المركز. قد تكون هذه الزمالة مثالية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس ممن هم في إجازة تفرغ علمي من مؤسساتهم. كما وسيتم النظر في قبول الممارسين المهنيين من الحكومة أو المجتمع المدني ممن لديهم الخبرة ذات الصلة والمؤهلات الأكاديمية اللازمة للحصول على هذه الزمالة.
القواعد العامة لبرامج الزمالة المقترحة :
1. تستضيف جامعة قطر سنويا ثلاثة زملاء في برامج الزمالة
2. الالتزام بسياسات الجامع الخاصة بتضارب المصالح
3. الزمالة بمركز دراسات الخليج غير مدفوعة الأجر. وينبغي على المتقدمين تأمين تمويل اقاماتهم بجامعة قطر من خلال الجامعة/ المؤسسة الاكاديمية التي يتبعون لها أو مصادر أخرى لتمويل تكاليف السفر والمعيشة طوال مدة إقامتهم وتقديم ما يفيد بذلك.
4. في حالة قيام الزميل الحاصل على درجة الدكتوراه تدريس مقرر في الفصل الدراسي على الاقل يجوز للجامعة توفير وحدة سكنية في الحرم الجامعي.
5.فترة الزمالة تمتد لفصل دراسي (4 أشهر) أو عام دراسي (9 أشهر). ويجوز للباحثين الزائرين طلب التمديد بشرط ان توفر التمويل اللازم للإقامة بدولة قطر وموافقة الجامعة وموافقة الجهات المعنية بالدولة.
6. يخضع الزملاء المعينين في برامج الزمالة للوائح وسياسات جامعة قطر.
7. تخضع الموافقة النهائية على المشاركة في برنامج الزمالة.
a.استيفاء متطلبات الجامعة والموارد البشرية الخاصة بالمؤهلات العلمية
b. شهادة حسن سيرة وسلوك مصدقة من بلد المرشح للزمالة ومن السفارة القطرية في البلد محل الإقامة.
c. اجتياز الفحص الطبي والأدلة الجنائية للزميل لدى الوصول لدولة قطر.
d.الموافقة على تأشيرة العمل أو نقل الكفالة من وزارة الداخلية في دولة قطر واجتياز الفحص الطبي للمرشحين من داخل دولة قطر.
التزامات الزملاء :
من المتوقع ان يلتزم الزميل الباحث بما يلي:
1. الالتزام بسياسات وإجراءات جامعة قطر بما في ذلك جميع السياسات المتعلقة بالملكية الفكرية والسلوك الأخلاقي للبحث. حيث تكون الوحدة الأكاديمية المضيفة مسؤولة عن ضمان فهم واستيعاب الزائرين للسياسات ذات الصلة والموافقة عليها.
2. توفير الأوراق اللازمة لتسهيل إصدار التأشيرة. ويتوجب توفير المستندات المطلوبة للوحدة الأكاديمية المضيفة وكذلك لمكتب الدراسات العليا، وذلك قبل ثلاثة أشهر على الأقل من الزيارة المتوقعة.
3. يكون الزميل مسؤولاً عن جميع النفقات المرتبطة بالإقامة في جامعة قطر بما في ذلك جميع تكاليف السفر والتأمين الصحي وأماكن الإقامة واي مصروفات أخرى.
4. تقديم محاضرة عامة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس والطلاب في مركز دراسات الخليج.
5. الحضور النشط لفعاليات وندوات المركز.
6. المساهمة في المنشورات الداخلية للمركز من خلال ورقة بحثية مكونة من 3500 كلمة (في حالة الإقامة لمدة فصل دراسي واحد) أو ورقة بحثية مكونة من 6000 كلمة (في حالة السنة الأكاديمية)، يتم إنتاجها من أبحاث الزمالة وتقديمها في تاريخ متفق عليه.
7.الاقرار بالانتماء إلى المركز في مخرجاتهم البحثية، ومشاركاتهم في الفعاليات الأكاديمية.
8. في حالة الزملاء الأكاديميين من أصحاب الخبرة بالإضافة الى الالتزامات السابقة عليهم الالتزام بما يلي:
أ- تدريس مقررين بحد أعلى في برامج الدراسات العليا في المركز.
ب- المساعدة في الاشراف على طلبة الدراسات العليا في برنامج دراسات الخليج في جامعة قطر
التزامات الجامعة
تلتزم الجامعة بتقديم الخدمات التالية:
1. استخراج تأشيرة الدخول والاقامة وفق الإجراءات المتبعة بالجامعة والدولة
2. توفير مساحة مكتبية وبطاقة هوية الجامعة التي تمنح الزملاء استخدام مرافق البحث في الجامعة، وخدمات المعلومات والحوسبة.
3. إدراج الزملاء على صفحة الويب الخاصة بالمركز لأغراض الانتساب.
4. المشاركة وحضور برامج وفعاليات والأنشطة الاكاديمية للمركز.
5. تقديم الدعم البحثي اللازم والتوجيه بما يتناسب مع احتياجات الزملاء.
6. تزويد المرشح بخطاب حضور/ شهادة توضح الوقت والمهام المنجزة خلال مدة الزمالة.
إجراءات التقديم على برامج الزمالة :
متطلبات عامة للتقدم الى برامج الزمالة:
1. يتم فتح القبول للتقدم على برامج الزمالة 1 يناير حتى 1 مارس من كل عام. ويمكن للمهتمين إرسال طلباتهم او أسئلتهم إلى:
2. إرسال سيرة ذاتية محدثة وخطاب نوايا من صفحتين، يحدد المدة، وكيفية الاستفادة من فترة الزمالة الخاصة. ويتوقع من المتقدم توضيح المسار(المسارات) البحثية التي يرغب في التركيز عليها في المركز، بالإضافة إلى توقعاته من المركز.
3. يجوز للمتقدم التواصل مع مدير المركز أو أعضاء هيئة التدريس المعنيين لمناقشة الشراكة البحثية أو إمكانيات التوجيه / الإشراف. وعند الضرورة، يمكن للمتقدمين تقديم مقترح بحث أو منهج دراسي أو مستندات داعمة أخرى وفق ما يرونه ضروريا.
4. يقوم المجلس الأكاديمي للمركز بتقييم الطلبات ورفع توصياته الى مدير المركز في غضون شهر
5. يقوم مدير المركز بمراجعة التوصيات ورفع موافقته الى العميد المساعد لقطاع العلوم الاجتماعية والانسانية للموافقة ورفعه وفق القنوات الإدارية للموافقة عليه من قبل نائب رئيس الجامعة للشؤون الاكاديمية.
فيما يخص برنامج زميل ما قبل الدكتوراه
فيخضع لسياسات وإجراءات استضافة الطلاب الزائرين المعتمدة بجامعة قطر بالإضافة الى استيفاء المتطلبات سابقة الذكر
Posted June 2021
6th Annual International Conference of the Gulf Studies Center - Qatar University
Towards a new ‘comprehensive security’ in the Gulf
7th-10th November, 2021
Posted 17 Feb 2021
Position Announcements for QU
The Gulf Studies Program, Qatar University, is hiring two positions:
Job: IRC15374
Assistant / Associate / Professor of Social Sciences, with expertise on the Gulf
Job Description:
The Gulf Studies Program is seeking an Assistant/ Associate/ Professor who is motivated to teach and develop graduate courses in Social Sciences as part of the Gulf Studies graduate program. Candidate should have strong teaching and research interests in social issues, with emphasis on the Gulf region. Primary responsibilities include teaching graduate courses, contributing to the program curriculum, supervising graduate student research, and contributing to the research portfolio of the Center as well as the College.
All QU Faculty members must demonstrate effectiveness in the following categories: teaching, academic advising and program development, scholarly research, professional or creative activities and institutional/community service.
Application deadline: 06-Mar-2021
Application link:
Job: IRC21539
Associate Professor in Economics of the Gulf
Job Description:
The Gulf Studies Program is seeking a Full/Associate Professor who is motivated to teach and develop graduate courses in the field of Political Economy of the Gulf as part of the Gulf Studies graduate program. Candidate should have strong teaching and research interests in economy, political economy and all related topics with emphasis on the Gulf region. Primary responsibilities include teaching graduate courses, contributing to the program curriculum, supervising graduate student research, and contributing to the research portfolio of the Center as well as the College. All QU Faculty members must demonstrate effectiveness in the following categories: teaching, academic advising and program development, scholarly research, professional or creative activities and institutional/community service.
Application deadline: 09-Mar-2021
Application link:
Posted Jan 12, 2020
CFP: Enhancing Food Security in Qatar. March 15-16, 2020
Enhancing Food Security in Qatar: Towards Productive, Innovation-Driven and Sustainable Local Food Production.
15 and 16 March 2020 at Qatar University
Possible topics include:
- Food-water-energy nexus
- Managing and organizing innovation in agriculture
- Technology adoption and agriculture
- Policy, planning and food security
Important Dates/Deadlines
Interested participants need to submit an abstracts of 300 words as well as an updated CV to: before 31 January 2020.
Candidates whose abstracts are accepted will be notified by 15 February 2020.
Please note that the accommodation for international speakers will be covered by the conference (up to three nights). There are no registration fees for the conference.
Click the on this link for more information.
Posted June 21, 2019
Conference Paper Call: Knowledge-Based Economy In Qatar
Call for Papers: “Knowledge-Based Economy In Qatar: Trends and Opportunities For Interdisciplinary Research And Policy” -- Qatar University, 27-28 October 2019. (Abstract submission deadline 11 August) [click to download full CFP]
Posted Sept. 12, 2018
Conference Call: Gulf Crisis: Origin, Repercussions and Future
Call for Papers
The 3rd Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference 2018
Gulf Crisis: Origin, Repercussions and Future
Gulf Studies Center-Qatar University
9-10 December 2018
The Gulf region witnessed an extraordinary rift when, on June 5, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain cut all diplomatic ties and imposed a siege on the State of Qatar following the hacking of Qatar News Agency website. With the pressing role of media in general and social media in particular, new political realities have been created in the region.
This annual international conference on the Gulf Crisis will bring together scholars, policy makers and students from a wide-range of disciplines to engage in a nuance debate on the role of the cyber and information security on the politics as well as the shift of alliances in the region. This conference will also explore the long-term economic implications of the blockade and will identify how the economy of Qatar is adjusting to the impact of the siege. The conference in addition, will discuss the role of Media and Information Technology in creating political cultures as well as conflicts.
Possible topics for papers:
We encourage the submission of papers on the Gulf crisis economic, political and social aspects that promise to scholarly analyze, find solutions and set best practices, including, but not limited to the following areas:
• Cyber and Information Security
• Economic Diversification
• Conflict and post-conflict perspectives
• Shift in Political Alliances
• The Gulf Crisis in the Academia
• Gulf culture and society amid the Crisis
• Post-colonialism
• Gender and Migration
• Food Security
• Role of Media and Information Technology
• International Relations and Security of the Gulf
• Sustainable Development
Accepted papers will be published in a scholarly peer-reviewed journal/book providing that the author(s) present the work at the Conference. Given that papers will be peer-reviewed and should enhance knowledge and contribute to the current debate regarding the issue, publication is not guaranteed.
How to apply
Interested participants need to submit an abstracts of 250-300 words as well as an updated CV to, before 1 October 2018. Candidates whose abstracts are accepted will be notified by November 2018.
The two-day 3rd Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference will take place in Qatar University- Administration Building, Conference Hall B01.
Practical Information
All presenters whose book chapters are accepted for the Conference will have their travel expenses and accommodation arranged and paid for by the organizers, as well as all the Conference lunches and dinners.
For more information visit: